While karat weight of a piece is germane, it takes an expert eye and a seasoned professional’s knowledge to pick out the “good stuff” from the “scrap gold stuff.” Modern wedding rings and nonworking common gold watches will often be worth only gold value, which is high right now.
A seller recently came to us with a brooch for sale. She was confused because her offers were “all over
the board,” from $800 to $1,600. When she opened the box we were gob smacked, amazed and otherwise thrilled to see this incredible early Buccelatti hand-hammered diamond and natural sapphire brooch in its original box.

Its gold scrap value was around $1,400, with another couple hundred in diamond value. Total scrap value? Around $1,800. Because of the expert goldsmithing done by one of the most famous Italian jewelry companies in the world, and the presence of the original box, we happily paid $3,500 for it.
It can be seen in our St. Petersburg store until Katrina auctions it off, with an auction estimate of $5,000
to $6,000. (So called “retail” value of something like this would be through the roof at roughly $28,000
to $30,000, but fair market value falls into the $4,000–$6,000 range.)
Do You Have Gold To Sell?
Wish us luck! If you have gold to sell, let us check it out first to discern if you have a collectible. We
are always top buyers of gold and silver and will beat all offers! We make house calls.
We pay more for gold & silver than anyone in Tampa Bay!
We are Tampa Bay’s luxury jewelry headquarters and we love vintage!
Go ahead, Google us! We don’t just buy museum pieces.
Always buying rare and valuable items.
Cash or auction. We make house calls statewide.
Former Sotheby’s associates.