What’s It Worth? A Functional Pendant With Layers Of Valuation Tampa Bay Times

Sometimes, valuation is almost impossible to determine with unique, one-of-a-kind pieces. This pendant encompasses an incredible amount of influences and materials. How do you value something that is both art deco and Greco-Roman in style? Something that has enamel and diamonds and platinum and gold? Something that has a child and cherubs in a musical scene made by Wedgwood? Something that has a chain of platinum and gold with Wedgwood stations and natural pearls? Something that was handcrafted in the 1930s for Verger Frères – one of the most celebrated jewelry houses in Paris?

Stunning Greco-Roman Jewelry

Indeed – if this were made today, it would probably cost over $100,000 to produce. Since it is one-of-a-kind and we can only find one similar comparator, the retail value would be well over $40,000 in today’s market. This was sent to us by a North Carolina jeweler and is for sale in our store for $25,000. If you look on the internet and search Verger Frères, you will find some pieces that have sold at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Did we mention it is also a watch? This is a stunning example of Greco Roman revival in the art deco period. If you have entire estates or one-of-a-kind rarities you would like to sell, we would like to see them.

We make house calls or will meet at your attorney’s office anywhere in Tampa Bay.
Former Sothebys.com associate. Read about us in the New York Times.

JEFF HESS, Owner & Appraiser.
Comments, questions or suggestions for this column, please send to jeffreyphess@aol.com.
St. Petersburg 1131 4th St. N, St. Petersburg FL 33701. 727.898.4377.
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Old Northeast Jewelers, Fine Jewelry and Watches, Buying and Selling since 1984.

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