What’s It Worth? Men’s vs. Women’s Awards And Their Value

As we prepare for the second quarter of the 21st century, sexism continues to persist in various forms. Some argue that it is especially prevalent in sports. Debates about the NCAA’s unequal dress codes for men and women are still ongoing. Wimbledon is notorious for awarding a giant two-handled cup to men, but a kitchen-style “plate” to women.

silver mens trophy

The Impact Of Sexism On Value

Although some progress has been made in terms of equal pay and treatment in the workplace, women still feel that there is a long way to go. The fact that Wimbledon gives a typical kitchen-style plate as an award can be seen as sexist, even though women are often burdened with the majority of domestic work,
such as housework and child-rearing, even in more progressive households.

womens trophy

However, this column is not meant to be an editorial piece. It is a “worth” column, with a focus on history. So, without further commentary, here is a 1930s New York country club’s sterling silver men’s golf trophy (at 24” high, the men’s was too big for the page, so it is only about 1/4 size here). The women’s trophy,
as pictured, is actual size; it has $3 worth of sterling and is likely worth less than $100 as a collectible. The men’s trophy? $228 in silver and $350 in the market.

Katrina, well aware of this issue, charitably said with a sigh, “It was a different time,” while acknowledging that we have a long way to go.

ALWAYS BUYING silver of any kind, and rare
and valuable jewelry and coins. We buy diamonds! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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