A Roanoke, Virginia jeweler, knowing our love of Art Deco, sold us this exceptional, convertible Art Deco French hallmark 18 K gold pin. It’s encrusted with diamonds on both ends and in the middle, and has a removable cut-glass ribbon design that can be changed out with other gemstones to match any outfit. We paid than less than $2,000 (gold value is $200), and contemplated having our cutter cut black jade and blue lapis lazuli stones for the piece – or selling it as is.
Because of the unusual design, if it still had the other colored stones that came with the original piece it would be worth more than $10,000; but with only these glass stones it probably will bring less than $3,000. The final issue here is that the cost of cutting those stones might be prohibitive.
Whether you are a jeweler, dealer, collector or a private citizen, we want to bid on your item.
Comments, questions or suggestions for this column, please send to jeffreyphess@aol.com.
JEFF HESS, Owner & Appraiser