We have decided, for the time being, to continue with our Sunday informational column. We hope you are staying safe and are at home in good spirits.
Need to talk about something? Antiques or jewelry oriented? Email us. We have decided to focus this week on something pretty. And whimsical.
Last week, a California jeweler shared with us a picture of this cute, heavy panda bear with the original box, and offered it to us for a price so low we thought it must be a typo. With over 40 grams of 18k gold and carved black stone, the price he was asking of under $2000 was insane. We quickly replied in the affirmative. While we had never heard of Gallopin & CIE, the design was just over-the-top and “bearly” (sorry, I could not resist) over gold value.
Once we received it (it was more attractive than shown in the pictures), we started our research.
If you can believe the internet, the company had its start in watchmaking circa 1820 and in 1898 gave up the watch business to focus on “artisanal pieces” of “exceptionally high quality and craftsmanship” which Geneva is renowned for. They are still in business but very TINY, doing expert repairs and pearl restringing.
We found a very similar panda that sold at auction in Europe in 1998 for today’s equivalent of about 8k! Today of course it should be worth much more.
It is a clip/brooch but converts to a necklace/pendant, and is for sale in our store for $7900. And yes, we will take partial trades.
Need something appraised? Estate settled? Contact us at jeffrey.hess@gmail.com (or just send us a note with a smiley face. We will send you one back. :))
Let us bid on your antique collectibles or sell them online for you for a commission. You have seen us in Forbes Magazine, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Mail in your items (we can send you an envelope/package to send in your goods), we will call you for a consultation when we receive your package. We can deposit money into your account.
House calls? Yes — we can meet you at our store, your home, or your attorney’s office.
JEFF HESS, Owner & Appraiser.
Comments, questions or suggestions for this column, please send to jeffreyphess@aol.com.
St. Petersburg 1131 4th St. N, St. Petersburg FL 33701. 727.898.4377.
Tampa International Plaza, 813.875.3935. Contact Us
Old Northeast Jewelers, Fine Jewelry and Watches, Buying and Selling since 1984.